On the second day of autumn this year, as on the first day, rain is teaming down, deeply soaking everything not under cover. Time to put on the fire and make a cup of dark, strong, aromatic coffee. As the little espresso pot begins to hiss and burble on the stove top, a flood of memories return, sailing across my inner vision, taking me back to my year in Italia.
Rain would be pelting down outside but inside the kitchen my friend and I would be sipping our afternoon cup of espresso. It was a ritual - after lunch the dishes would be washed, the kitchen cleaned and then, only then, would the espresso pot be put on. The two of us would pull up our chairs to the table, the sound of them moving echoing as they scraped along the tile floor, we would rest our elbows on the table and then savour of hot sweet cup of espresso. Our conversation would flow, she would help me with my Italian when the words weren’t quite right, and I would hear stories of life in this family and region of Campania. We shared our lives, past and present, tears and laughter, mingling it with the aroma of coffee inside and the sound of the rain outside.
One particular lunch that was like comfort food on a rainy day was a simple dish of lentils and spaghetti. Signora G, the Mama of my host family, would boil green lentils with a clove of garlic and salt, along with a little olive oil. When they were almost ready she added spaghetti. With freshly grated parmesan on the top it was deliciously simple. I still make this dish as comfort food on rainy days! Don’t we all have those comfort foods we like on rainy days?
Isn’t it amazing how food and memories are so connected? Those childhood favourites, celebration favourites, and things that Grandma used to make and what we remember as the scent of them reaches us.
The rain outside is flowing steadily, watering and nurturing the earth. I am enjoying sipping my hot cup of coffee, staying dry, and savouring the memories that have flowed within me this morning. And now, I think it is time for a nice bowl of lentil soup in honour of my dear friends in Italia! Then it is time to get moving and go to work.
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